
Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm a QueenMakeupbee on! Yay!

I received an e-mail from Tiomi from saying that they'd like to feature me as a QueenMakeupbee and they wondered if I'd be interested and of course I said yes!  What an honor!  Based on the other girls who have been chosen to be Queenbees I didn't expect to be asked.  I mean, a few examples of past Queenbees are:

Natalie from Urbanely Decayed

Kassie from Unique Desire

Meredith Jessica from Pigments and Palettes

And Ronnie from Bows and Curtseys

As you can see, they're all so talented I never expected they'd pick me!  But they did and I'm so grateful!!  So go check out Makeupbee to post your own looks, browse the looks of the amazingly talented people on there, to read or write some reviews of products, and to get some inspiration!


  1. Congrats! You totally desearve to be on there with all those talented ladies. You have amazing talent yourself!

  2. Yay! Congratulations! Tiomi and the MakeupBee Team always does the best choice! :)

  3. Congrats! I have been wondering when she was gonna pick you! ♥

  4. Well done! It's a very well-deserved win.

  5. It's about time!! You're so talented Sonja, you deserve the recognition <3

  6. @Miranda: Aw, thank you so much!

    @jyz: Thank you!

    @Kassie: haha thanks!

    @olgiepolgie: Thank you so much!

    @Meredith Jessica: Aw, well thank you so much. But none of my looks are like yours! That look of yours with the rainbow paint still makes me stop and stare haha.

  7. Congrats!!! You totally deserve that honor!!
