Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Where have I been?

Gosh, guys, I suck.  I haven't blogged in about 3 months.  That's not good.  But I have to be honest with you, I haven't been paying any attention to my makeup hardly at all.  Seriously.  If you can see my makeup in this picture, this is pretty much what I look like every single day.

Since finishing my IV chemo treatments, my focus has been on what I can possibly do to make sure my cancer never comes back.  Being diagnosed at 26 and finding out you have a 6% chance of making it to 31 really makes you reevaluate some things in your life.

So what have I been doing?  I have been researching the heck out of what I can eat or drink to make my body as inhospitable to cancer as it can be.  I have watched documentaries like "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", "Hungry for Change", "Forks Over Knives", and "Food Matters." I loved them all.  After watching all of them and researching a bit online I have come to the conclusion that having a primarily plant-based diet is the way to go to give myself the best odds to keep this cancer away.

I bought myself a juicer ( http://www.amazon.com/Breville-800JEXL-Fountain-1000-Watt-Extractor/dp/B0002VAFVG) and I juice fruits and vegetables about once a day.  I LOVE my juices.  I bought myself a NutriBullet (http://www.target.com/p/nutribullet-by-magic-bullet/-/A-13969043#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=nutribullet) and do a green smoothie about once a day.  My other meal is usually something pretty healthy, I've found myself loving some quinoa.  I eat it all the time as like a substitute for oatmeal with bananas, blueberries, and almond milk.  It's so yummy!  I've started venturing into Hispanic and Asian markets.  I love them.  They have so much more produce than the American markets do, at much more reasonable prices.

So lately my focus has been completely off of the makeup scene and totally into the healthy eating scene.  I just really feel like my health and my family's health needs to be my main focus.  I have learned so much about how food can help or ruin your health and so I'm really trying to practice relatively clean eating.  I'm not going to become a full-on vegetarian or a vegan but I don't mind making more vegetarian or vegan choices.

However, I did do something a little out of my norm today for Autism awareness day.  So here's what I wore today!
It's not anything super special but it's a lot more color than I've worn in a long time!

I would like to get back to blogging more but I'm not sure if my blog might shift focus a little more toward the healthy eating spectrum and little off of the beauty.  I'm not sure.  If you have any questions about what I'm doing, please feel free to ask.  

Thank you, as always, for hanging in there with me!  I appreciate you all so much!


  1. Its great to see a post from you Sonja! Honestly your make up skills are still as stellar as ever! Whatever direction your blog decides to take or not take, I'm just happy you are on the road to being healthy again. <3

  2. I'm so glad to see an update from you!

    Good for you for making a change. I really, really wish I could eat healthier. I find it so hard though, as I just really love food!

    I look forward to your updates, as I know other people do too!

  3. Good to see you're back (for today)! :) You are such a strong person. More power to you, sister, & I genuinely hope you just keep feeling better, growing stronger, & find success in the new avenues you're exploring! No matter which way your blog goes, I'll remain a follower. You'll always be an inspiration to me! :)

  4. Great to hear from you! I'm glad everything seems to be going okay.

  5. My husband and I bought both a juicer and the nutribullet about 6 months ago after watching the exact same documentaries you listed, plus a few more. We are now building our own garden and we have both felt SO much better health wise. I'm so glad to hear your chemo is done, & I hope that you & your family really enjoy your healthier lifestyle. I know we do. :)

  6. I was thinking about you recently! Glad to hear from you again.

    I've watched the same documentaries, most of them last year, and made drastic changes to my diet. I eat mostly fruits & vegetables & grains on a daily basis and typically avoid processed foods, sugary soft drinks, and meat. here have been an incredible change in my body. Hard to describe it but when you eat "purer" your body responds in the most positive way. I'm glad you're loving the change in diet as well.

    I would still read your blog if it was health-based and not makeup-based, or even a mix of both! Or,if you take a longer hiatus again. Do what you feel is important to you! :)

  7. I'm so glad you're doing well, you look great! Me and my husband also bought a juicer after watching 'fat sick and nearly dead'. Maybe you could do a post about some yummy juice recipes? Or other recipes in general? Makeup is fun, but only if you're healthy and happy!

  8. I wonderful to see your beautiful face!! Sending love and light as always! Thank you for the update! Glad to see you are doing well!

  9. It's great to see you back on your feet! Keep going! you are an inspiration to all of us :) x

  10. Good to see you back, happy and healthy.

    Try 7 days old wheat grass juice. I have heard from lot of cancer patients that it helps improve the immunity. I know lot of people suffering from Cancer for last many years taking this juice everyday. They are still very healthy and fit.

    Will pray for your better health. xoxo

  11. I'm glad you're alright, and that is slowly coming back to blogging. But I think that so the true beauty of truth when we mined healthy life .... So perhaps impossible to Connect: *

  12. Your makeup looks gorgeous and I'm so glad to hear you're doing ok.

  13. Well isn't healthy eating part of beauty? I mean, even after IV chemo, you are glowing! That's gotta be in part because of the healthy eating. I don't see anything wrong with including posts about healthy eating into your blog. In fact, I think I would like the blog even more if you did (if that's even possible.) Maybe you could do one or two posts each week about healthy eating and then any other posts about beauty. For example, make Mondays "Beauty Inside= Beauty Out" posts that are all about your latest adventures in healthy eating(just an example). Glad to have you back Sonja! We've missed you!

  14. I've been wondering how you are doin! I'm so glad to hear you are cancer free! you are so beautiful inside & out & such an inspiration. I wish the best of luck to you & your family.

  15. I am so glad you updated! I check your blog and Facebook at least twice a week to check in on you and I worry that you haven't posted. I am a hospice nurse and I did oncology for years. I wish I would have commented sooner on your blog but I have a tendency to just read blogs in my google reader and never make comments because i have to click out of it to do so. Now that google reader is closing the book, I promise I will comment more often! I loved your blog prior to your diagnosis because I am a makeup junkie and you are very talented! Then, I kept reading because I was so concerned about you and your family. I would continue to read no matter what you blog about. Truth is, I think a lot of us are just invested in YOU and your beautiful family and seeing you live your best beautiful life no matter which topics you write about. We are all rooting for you and I would love to continue reading so please keep writing just any old thing that comes to mind and keep us updated about you. We're listening and you are an inspiration. Not just anyone can come as far as you have with what you went through. Be loud and proud and know that we care. All my best, Sonja!

    Bella, Mom of Nick (17) and Zayne (11), Nurse Extraordinaire, and big fan of your beautiful life!

  16. It's great to see a post from you and I'm happy your doing better!

  17. I haven't stopped praying for you! Keep up all the hard work on your health!

  18. I'm so glad to see an update Sonja! I was just thinking about you and hoping you were doing okay. I will always love your blog, and I don't mind if it's more healthy living based, or more makeup/beauty based. It's more about your personality! We understand if you ever take breaks, you've been under a lot of pressure lately, and no one expects you to be posting a ton. We love you!

    xo, aly

  19. Good to hear from you, glad you are doing okay. Love your Autism Awareness day makeup, keep well.

  20. I'm so glad you're doing well! You popped in my head the other day, and every time you do, a few days later you come along with a new blog post! You look so healthy and I will keep praying for your continued health!

  21. Wow I'm so happy for your update!!! I was wondering what happened or if you would post again. :)
    I love those documentaries that you mentioned! Aren't they so compelling? There's another book I want to suggest to you! Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman, and he also has another book called Super Immunity. He's a huge proponent of the idea that nutrients in foods are the best protectors of disease (especially cancer) and have the best healing properties for people. If you are interested I don't mind buying and sending you a copy of the book :) It's really changing my life. xoxo

  22. Glad your back again !! Looking for your future updates and reviews.

  23. I just stumbled upon your blog looking for Nyx swatches, but found much more than that! You are beautiful and truly courageous. And on a shallower note, your makeup in this post is just lovely :)

    I wish you the best, and especially health and good luck.

  24. Hey chickie I'm so glad to see another post! I am happy that you are focused on fixing your health by changing your diet, I believe that feeling & being healthy is important in order to get the most out of your beauty. I hope that makes sense without sounding obnoxious haha. That being said I do not eat healthily enough, you make me want to get into clean eating and focus on juices!
    You still look beautiful anyway, I love how fresh and flawless your makeup is in the first picture!

  25. I love reading your blog and would love reading about healthy eating too.

  26. Hi Sonja! I'm so happy to hear you are doing well. Good for you for making changes in your lifestyle to become a healthier you. I am not sure if you are aware or not, but incorporating regular exercise into your life has also been shown to reduce the risk of recurrence of colorectal cancer. I am currently a second year medical student, and we just so happen to be learning about colorectal cancer, so I thought I would share that information with you. I really enjoy reading your blog, whether it be about makeup or your life. You are a very strong and inspirational woman.

    Best wishes,


  27. P.S. I am also curious, were you tested for hereditary colon cancer, being that you got it at such a young age? Totally understand if you do not wish to share that information with us, but I just thought I would ask because it seems likely since you were diagnosed at age 26.


  28. It's so great for you to post again, and I'm totally on board with health and beauty posts! Glad to see I'm not the only fan of quinoa lol ;)

  29. Glad to see a new post! You got this girlie!

  30. So glad that you're doing better and exploring all your options for keeping that cancer away. It's your blog so do whatever you choose! I would definitely keep reading whatever you decide. Love the pop of blue. It's great to hear from you!

  31. Just wondering where you get your Juice recipes from? After seeing the recipe above, I decided to get a juicer. Can't wait to try this!

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