Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year! A fun look and a personal update

I figure I'll start this post off with the look in case you're not interested in the personal stuff.  I actually did this look like a month ago and just never got around to posting it.  I did post these pictures already on facebook so I'm sorry if you've seen them already.  I wanted to do a cut crease look with glitter because I hadn't used glitter in like a million years.  So here's the look

What I used:
All Makeup Geek (MUG) eyeshadows:
Lid: Bleached Blonde
From crease line up to brow bone: 
Bada Bing 
Brown Sugar
Cocoa Bear
Bleached Blonde
Then I topped the lid color with NYX glitter liner in Gold.
Eyeliner: MUG gel liner "Immortal" topped with MUG eyeshadow "Corrupt"
Mascara: L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black

Then I used a Makeup Geek Lipstick too in the color "Darling"

I thought it was a fun look, it was really dramatic and I hadn't done anything so dramatic in quite a while so it was a bit of an overload haha.

So now onto the personal stuff.  
I am officially done with chemo IV treatments!!!  The more days that go by of me being done, the more excited I get.  Because I was going every 2 weeks for treatment so when I'd start feeling good again, it was almost time for my next treatment.  But now I'm starting to feel good again and I don't have to dread going for my next treatment because I don't have any more!!  I did find out that my oncologist wants me to take a chemo pill for 6 months though.  The chemo pill is not supposed to be as intense as the IV treatments but there are still a bunch of side effects that could make me feel like poo.  I also could still lose my hair.

If you follow me on facebook, you may have seen that I posted this picture of myself at my final chemo treatment
I posted that on my blog page mainly to let you guys know what was going on because I've been a terrible blogger and haven't updated my blog in a very long time.  I also didn't want to keep changing information on you because my treatments kept getting pushed back.  I didn't want to tell you I'd be done for Thanksgiving and then come back a week later with a "just kidding!"  But anyways, somehow this picture got shared out of control.  As of now it has over 255,000 likes and 3,471 comments.  Completely out of control.  I didn't even know that could happen.  I wasn't trying to let random people know I'm done with chemo, I was trying to let you guys know.

What I learned from this picture being shared so much and with so many comments is that there are some really really incredible people out there who really just want the best for someone they don't even know.  I got so many comments saying, "God bless you" and "Congratulations" and amazing comments like that.  I also learned that people can be incredibly cruel.  While the good comments far outweighed the bad, I got sooo many comments telling me that I should be ashamed of myself for posting this picture because it's fake. There's no way I went through chemo because I still have my hair.  I look "too healthy" to have gone through chemo.  I have makeup on so the picture is fake.  I have jewelry on so the picture is fake.  I had people calling me names.  Some people said the only reason anyone cares is because I'm a, "pretty white girl."  Which is complete nonsense!

My integrity was being called into question, it really hurt my feelings, and I really felt like I wanted to defend myself to every mean comment I saw.  I realize that I don't have to.  But who in the world would make up that they have cancer?  Why would I go to a hospital and be like, "can I sit in your chair and take this picture with my fake sign please?  Oh yeah, can I have a blanket and hospital bracelet too while we're at it?"  It makes no sense.  And I feel like if people educated themselves a little bit they would realize that not all chemotherapy drugs are the same.  They don't all make you lose your hair.  I responded well to chemo.  I'm very lucky and I realize that.  

But people were saying, "nobody looks that good at chemo."  Well you know what?  I was feeling good the morning of chemo so I got up, showered, did my hair and makeup because that's what I do.  I don't go in public without at least some makeup.  I'm sure as heck not going to let my husband take my picture if I don't have makeup on, let alone post it on facebook.  If I had my husband take my picture the next day, you would see a completely different girl.  I would look tired.  I wouldn't have makeup on.  My hair wouldn't be done because that's what chemo does to people.  I have enough time in between my treatments where I get back to feeling like myself again so the mornings of my chemo treatments I feel fine.  It's the next 5-6 days where I feel like crap.

I just needed to get that out haha.  Thank you for listening to my little rant haha.  I appreciate every kind comment so much.  I couldn't understand why these people who have never heard of me or seen any of my makeup before this would care so much and their kindness blew me away.

I feel so lucky and blessed that I get to start 2013 being cancer free with no IV treatments left!  I feel blessed that I get to see 2013 at all because things could have been very different.  I'm going to ask you, as a personal favor, if you ever see a picture floating around facebook and you might think it's fake, please don't make nasty comments because you never know what someone is actually going through.

I wish you all the best in 2013.  I'm so excited to see what it has in store!!

Thank you all for being the best followers ever!!


  1. Its so lovely to see a look and an update from you! I am actually in shock that people would put such horrible comments on facebook about you though, what cruel mean people, urgh! I am so happy for you though, to have finished your chemo! so so happy! <3

  2. I have been following you for quite some time although I am not a member of this site. I stumbled across your beautiful makeup looks online and eventually saw the unfortunate post about your cancer and have consistently been following ever since. You are strong and beautiful, perfect role model for women everywhere!


    Ps. Screw those negative people haha

  3. I'm so excited that your IV chemo is over and you've made it! I'm very very proud of you.
    I think everyone who is going through hard times - may it be concearning health, realationships, jobs or live ingeneral should take you, your strength and your sucess as an example! I myself have issues with health too, and sometimes go through tough times even there's no comparison to suffering from cancer, but everytime I read your updates, and see that you go through all this with so much confidence and strength it makes me think more positive so that I also can win my own fight like you've won yours.
    Thank you for sharing you're journey with us and let us take part on your life.
    I hope your cancer will never ever come back and that 2013 will be a great year for you with no more IV chemo and plenty of joy, health und just enjoying having survived.


  4. First of all, congrats on finishing treatment! So exciting! You have had the best attitude through this all!

    Second of all, I'm sorry people suck! It amazes me how awful people are, but it always makes me thankful for nice, caring, compassionate people that are out there. Continue to ignore them, and keep your head up!

  5. I wish you all the best.
    The make up is anmazing.
    Best greetings for your health from Poland.

  6. I'm sorry people can suck so hard. Never can understand why people come out of the woodwork just to bring others down when they have no way of knowing anything. Reminds me of the woman with the disorder where she has no muscle and it makes her look odd. They nominated her for ugliest woman or something like that, not knowing she has that disorder and it was just insane. And I'm sorry they got to you too. Screw em, you're right for not defending yourself! Good for you!

    Long time follower, over a year now. Your beautiful makeup drew me in, your cancer updates kept me coming back just to check on you, look or no. So glad you're done! Congratulations! And hope your 2013 is troll free.

  7. I want to congratulate you again & wish you more success with your next phase. When I saw your picture, I actually cried because even thou I did not go thru any kind treatment for cancer, I was the one who took my father to all of his treatments in 2012.

    As for those cruel people, they're ignorant & stupid. They need to understand that not all cancer treatments are the same & every person's body reacts differently to it. My father did not lose his year either during his treatment & he had stomach cancer.

    My wish for you is to best this completely & be free with no worries. You now know that you do have a lot of people rooting for you. Good luck with the chemo pill & I can't wait to see more new looks from you this year.

    God bless you!

  8. aw, i know those nasty comments had to have hurt your feelings, people are mean, but you dont owe anyone an explanation!! it is amazing, that through everything, you can still get up, get yourself together, and face the day. the fact that you care enough about your subscribers to post pictures and keep everyone updated on your life, shows that you are a caring and selfless person. i could go on & on. you are a survivor!!and you should be proud b/c you havent let this illness get the best of you. you are an inspiration to me and i wish you all the best!

  9. People can be terrible, and I've never understood how someone could treat others so badly. I'm glad to hear you're finished with Chemo! Congrats! I'm praying for you, and I hope you don't have too many side effects from the pill! You're so strong, and such a great rolemodel, and an amazing person. Don't ever let anyone bring you down.

  10. Wow, I can't believe some freaking people were saying that about your picture on facebook... That's such a terrible thing to question someone's intentions. But at least we all know the truth =)
    I want to tell you that I'm very happy for you! And you look absolutely stunning in your recent photos! You're a very strong person and an inspiration for what you've been through. <3 <3 <3
    (Also, I'm LOVING your gold cut-crease, lol)

  11. People are so mean and damn stupid, meh :/ I'm sad you had to go through this because of Facebook but it will make you stronger! :)
    I had no idea you had this illness but I'm very happy that you are fine now and I wish you all the best! :)
    p.s. the make up look is amazing! :)

  12. I love your makeup look and your story is such an inspiration. Stay strong and I hope you have a blessed 2013 <3 <3

  13. Yay Sonja! I am so, so happy for you! People can be so rude and cruel, but don't let that get you down! <3

  14. Best wishes to you looking beautiful with your last chemo treatment!

  15. Best wishes... You are very brave girl
    Love your eyes and your courage
    Happy new year dear
    the simple life of rich people blog
    Twitter @simpleliferichP
    Instagrna @thesimplelifeofrichepeople

  16. Congrats on finishing treatments and I wish you all the best, it really sucks that you had to read those negative comments and I'm glad the positive ones outweighed the bad ones. Love your blog and this post! You are truly beautiful and an inspiring person! :)

  17. Congratulations!! It's so great to see you back and to hear that you are doing well, I love reading your blog. Ignore the idiots - I'll never understand how people can be so mean. All the very best! xox

  18. Congrats girl! I hope the best for you! Don't listen to those people...they just suck! I don't understand why people think its ok to be like that but they are always there :( just gotta leave them behind and think of all the people who love and support you no matter what! Beautiful look as usual too!

  19. I am so happy for you! I find your strength amazing. Thanks for the update. Even though we may not'know' you we care about you. Wishing you happiness and good health for 2013 :)

  20. I'm so glad the treatment's gone well for you! Just ignore the people who clearly have no idea what you've been through. We're all just happy you're doing well and can still do amazing looks in between treatments! ;)

  21. my best advice to you as a fellow blogger and SUPPORTER is to not ever respond to the haters and the trolls. "don't feed the trolls" - ever. if you do, they'll never stop. they feed off your responses, sweetie, and you even taking the time to write all this out feeds them just as much.

    you're healthy, done with chemo and starting a new year. leave all that behind and look forward to a new year with amazing things ahead of you!! i'm so happy to see this picture and a look from you!! congratulations on your last treatment! always thinking of you and wishing you continued health and happiness for you and your family for 2013 and beyond. xx

  22. It's unbelievable how incredibly insensitive people are. I'm sorry for the hurtful comments they posted. You are gorgeous - I consider you an inspiration. Please keep up with your posts on Facebook. I've only know about your blog for a couple of days, but I'm definitely going to keep coming back. I support you 110%!!!

  23. I'm so glad you are finished with your IV chemo. I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. Your personal struggle with cancer has been a real inspiration to me and look how many lives you have touched. You look just beautiful!

    Regarding the negative comments... Truly - who cares what those jerks think? You're always gonna get mean, evil people who are disbelievers. Don't waste that precious energy worrying over them - they will get what's coming to them in the end :)

  24. Haters should get a grip on themselves! I had haters on my blog and I just was like, you know what, get a grip on yourselves. You guys get happy over my frustration and anger, so I'm not going to give you the time of my day. Karma will see me through!


  25. Girl you are beautiful and definitely strong and inspiration to us all! No one has the right to question your health or say that you are faking having cancer. You are showing us strength and congratulations for finally finishing the IV treatments and being a survivor!

  26. Long time follower but first time commenting, I just wanted to say congratulations. I'm so glad you got through everything and responded to treatment so well, a great start to the year indeed. Also I don't blame you for defending yourself, I feel like some people sit around trying to cause drama and poke holes in peoples situations which is kinda sad

  27. Congratulations, your attitude is incredible and so are you so just do what you want to do and ignore ignorance :)

  28. Congrats on finishing your Chemo treatments. Im currently undergoing chemo treatment for Cancer as well and everything you wrote is so true! You are strong Woman and wish you all the best in the future!:)

  29. Wow, congratulations!! I don't know you but your story and the picture just made me teary eyed! :) BTW, you're so amazingly talented I love the makeup look. What are your favourite brushes?

  30. Congratulations!! I don't know you from Adam... and as many other people I found your blog from seeing one of your awesome looks on M.U.G. Your makeup looks are indeed beautiful, but truth is, after reading a few of your posts I was blown away by the amount of strength you have. The way you handle your situation... the fact that you can wake up, recognize yes, you are indeed ill, but you do what you can to make yourself feel your best. All while staying positive. Keep on doing what you are doing and beat that beast called cancer. <3 You are truly inspiring!

  31. yay:) I'm happy for you. I hope it continues to get better 'til it's all in the past.

  32. Happy to hear you are starting the new year cancer free. You look beautiful. Don't let others bring you down.

  33. So glad you are done with chemo... and just ignore all those negative people. Good for you that you felt like doing your hair and makeup... those comments were probably from people who don't ever take any effort with their appearance so they cannot understand someone who would.

    Keeping you in my prayers...

  34. Sadly, one of the first things i learned about the internet (besides being a WEALTH of information) is the ugly, mean, small minded people that are on it. You could be the kindest, most generous hearted and likeable person on the face of the Earth and you will STILL get haters... because .... it's not about YOU. It's about THEM. All they can do is swim in their own negative, evil and hateful little world so please don't concern yourself with those comments at all. Know they are going to be there but there are plenty more people who have their head on their shoulders and are going through life like you...bravely and with a kind heart!!

    God bless you!

  35. I am a longtime reader but have never commented. I was very sad and shocked the day I read of your diagnosis and then the subsequent surgeries and treatment. I am so glad and happy at how well things went and that the chemo is finally done. I am in my forties and came to your blog to find some of the latest makeup tips, which I did, but I ended up finding inspiration, gratitude, and grace. I am so sorry that you have had to deal with so much at a young age. You have always tackled everything with a great attitude and approach. Keep up exactly what you are doing, you are touching peoples lives and attitudes with all of it in the most positive way!

  36. It's very hard to have people that don't know you judge you. I'm very happy you're cancer-free. Sending you lots and lots of good wishes!


  37. I'm sorry you have been exposed to so many thoughtless comments. It's surprising how many people cannot tell the difference between what's fact and what's just their personal opinion or feeling about something. They honestly can't tell the difference - if they feel or think something, then it must be so.

    My best wishes for your recovery.


  38. amazing eyes and makeup

  39. You have an amazing blog! And you're amazing! I found your FB page today, but I have already read some of your posts and looked all of your pics. You are a strong, beautiful woman and I admire you!
    I wish you all the health in the world, because the world is a better place, when there's people, who's smiling at the problems and wear that smile everywhere! Keep smiling! <3

  40. Haven't been to your blog in a while! First of all big big hugss! XOXO
    and you look amazing!
    I am very happy to read that your chemo is over! Wishing you all the best

  41. I am so happy to hear about your treatments being over! I've been reading about your progress for a while and I think you have the best outlook and it's amazing to me that you even were posting some looks during this ordeal. I wish you a comfortable recovery and thanks for letting us all know this wonderful news.

  42. Ur so talented. Amazing look.. Lve the positivity in ur blog xx

  43. I am so happy that I found your blog tonight! You are a beautiful, amazing, strong young woman. I am excited for you that your chemo treatments are completed. As an ICU nurse, it is very hard for me to see someone your age having to go thru such a horrible illness. But you kicked cancers butt!!!, and that news warms my heart.

  44. And here I was thinking, aww I'm so happy for her. She feels confident and like a survivor so she looks all pretty and ready to get the world. Some people's minds work differently for sure. Your picture and this post made me smile and made me a little teary-eyed. I for one am so glad I found your blog as I'm new to blogging and love pretty makeup and skincare stuff and love inglot shadows and I have found some inspiration! Thanks for being an inspiration in more ways than one.

  45. Congrats to you! I just finished treatment for stage IIIA Breast Cancer 6 months ago - a wow what a ride!!! You are absolutely beautiful! Kudos to you!!!!!

  46. are so fortunate you didn't loose your hair! I lost mine, eyebrows and eyelashes too! You do such beautiful make up artistry - you should publish a vlog!!!

  47. Wow.. I came to your site to look up a review and then I read the 'about me' part and I just think you are so strong! I hope you live a long, full and happy life and stay positive every step of the way, you're a true role model, and I admire you for staying strong after what you went through. I get what you said on another post that you didn't get why other people lose the battle, I feel so hopeless when I see small children who are sick, they're so innocent and shouldn't have to live with that. I truly hope that a cure can be found soon for all the others, but congratulations to you for finishing chemo!

  48. Congrats on finishing Chemo!! You are such a strong person. It is really inspiring and admiring what you have gone through. Ignore all those cruel people! I think you are a beautiful and strong person and you are an inspiration to everyone out there. It's hard to stay positive in the hard times.

  49. Sweet girl. God bless you for overcoming these hard times in your life. I've followed your blog for a really really long time and never stopped!!! I'm so happy you are healthier now! As for all those disgusting comments .. people in this world are mean no matter what they know, don't know, have experienced, or haven't experienced. Some people are so cruel and try to discredit others when in reality, their character is the only thing in question! Nobody has the right to act as if they know your struggle or to try and take your experiences away from you. You are strong, beautiful, and remained very optimistic through your whole hardship and nobody should try and make that seem like it's a bad thing! Shine on, girl! Don't ever let people's unjust opinions even affect you because they are not worth it!

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