Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm back (with some looks and some other ramblings)!!

Hey guys!  It's been forever since I've done a post and I'm so sorry!  It's just been so much harder to bounce back from this last surgery than I thought it would be and then not having a camera didn't make me more motivated to do anything.  So I finally got a new camera (a Nikon Coolpix P500, in case anyone is wondering.  I got it on Craigslist and saved myself $250!!) and hopefully I'll be able to figure it out so I can post more.

In all honesty, I haven't hardly worn eye makeup at all.  Today was my second time wearing an actual colored eyeshadow and it was my third time wearing black eyeliner since my surgery, which was almost 7 weeks ago.  So you haven't really missed much.  But I do have two looks for you today.  A colorful one and a neutral one.  I'll go with the colorful one first.

I was feeling the bright blue today so I went with that.  I didn't get very many good pictures but I do like the pictures I got. 

There's something I really like about just being able to see the color around the eyes, especially if it's such a bright color.

What I used for this:
Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in "Black Bean" as a base all over lid and under the eye
Makeup Geek (MUG) "Poolside" shadow all over lid and under eye
MUG "Neptune" in outer corner and along the crease
MUG "Mermaid" on center of the lid for a pop of shimmery color
MUG "Purely Naked" to soften the edges of the blue
MUG "Shimma Shimma" as a highlight
L'oreal HIP Chrome Liner "Black Shock"
MUG "Corrupt" to soften liner
L'oreal Voluminous Power Volume 24H Mascara "Blackest Black"
Revlon Photoready 3D Volume Mascara "Blackest Black" to add a little more definition

ELF Cream Liner "Coffee" to outline
Anastasia brow pencil "blonde" to fill them in
Anastasia brow powder duo "Golden Blonde" to soften the pencil

MAC "Myth" lipstick
Revlon Lip Butter "Tutti Frutti"

And my neutral look.  Since I was playing around with my camera, I figured I'd show you the pictures I took of my Naked 2 palette (which I used for this look), even though we all know what the Naked 2 palette looks like haha.

This one isn't as clear but I didn't notice until I uploaded it.  Sorry!
And the look I did (sorry it's not the most exciting look ever!).

What I used:
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
All shadows from the Naked 2 Palette:
"YDK" on inner and outer third of lid
"Verve" on middle third of lid
"Pistol" in outer v and just above crease
"Chopper" above crease color to warm it up a little
"Bootycall" as highlight
L'oreal HIP Chrome Liner "Black Shock"
"Blackout" to soften liner
L'oreal Voluminous Power Volume 24H Mascara "Blackest Black"

Not the most thrilling look in the world but it was pretty and flattering.

And these are just a few more pictures I've taken since I got my camera two days ago haha.  They're not of makeup though!
My kiddo and my meatball!
Meatball (her real name is Delilah but she looks like a meatball so that's what I call her haha).
My Sullivan
One of our tortoises.  I think tortoises are so cute!
Well that's that!  I start chemo again tomorrow.  I have to do 8 rounds which puts me, as long as I stay on schedule, to be done with chemo the week before Thanksgiving.  It's going to be a long 4 months but I will be SO glad for this to be over with.  And I think it's going to make the holidays that much better knowing this will be behind me.  You all have been so incredibly supportive of me.  I cannot thank you enough for your comments and e-mails and comments on my facebook page.  Even if I don't respond, please know that I do read what you write and it means so much to me.  I really cannot tell you enough how much it means to me.  So thank you so so much!

And hopefully the chemo won't knock me down too much so I can keep posting!  Thanks all for reading this!!!  I hope you're having a great week!!


  1. So glad that you are feeling good enough to come back! Good luck with your chemo!

  2. You look gorgeous as always, and it's great to hear from you!

  3. so happy to see you back, you look great! hang in there, girl, this nightmare will be over soon! xxx

  4. You look so amazingly beautiful!!! I feel so happy to hear from you. It is going to be long, these four months, but you will be ok soon.

    Lots of love from Spain.

  5. I am always thrilled to see an update from you. :) Keep strong Sonja! So many people are pulling for you. :)

  6. Woah, both looks are really really beautiful!
    Good luck for the rest of the chemos!

  7. Thank you for updating us on how you are doing. Good luck with the next 8 rounds of chemo! You are as beautiful as ever!!

  8. Yay! I'm so glad that you are doing well Sonja!

  9. I swear you are absolutely gorgeous. It's crazy insane how well you can pull off those bold colors.
    I'm so happy you're still well. I hope to see you update more, but don't push yourself. I'm glad you've been resting. You deserve all the calm and relax time in the world. ^_^
    Stay beautiful ^___^

  10. Gorgeous looks! And your daughter is so cute!

    Good luck with the chemo.

  11. Lovely looks! Your dogs are adorable. Best of luck with the chemo and hugs from England xoxo

  12. Really happy to see a post from you :) Keep up the high spirits & all the very best :)

  13. it looks amazing. I hope your operation went well

  14. LOVE both of these looks & I'm so happy to see you blogging a little again, I was wondering when we were gonna hear from you. Hope you're doing well, I'll keep you & your family in my thoughts.

    Random question: Is that a sulcata tortoise? It looks just like the one we have at the aquarium I work at & I've read they can get quite big

  15. Great pics! I like the different blues. I've got the perfect outfit to try this with.
    Now I understand why everyone thinks my dog is a pitbull (she's a really small Cane Corso)

  16. you look fantastic!!! welcome back!!!

  17. Absolutely lovely looks! Glad you're feeling up to posting. Take good care of yourself and good luck with the chemo!
    Your little girl is so cute!

  18. still look gorgeus!and you make me even more to buy Naked Palette

  19. Both looks are so gorgeous!! Like WOW Amazing!! :D

  20. I love the teal look,its so pretty and you look amazing! stay strong :)

  21. Glad you're feeling better! Just grit your teeth through it a little bit more, I'm sure there's a very beautiful rainbow at the other end :)
    I love the bright look you did, it really makes your gorgeous eyes pop!

  22. So glad to see you!! I hope you are doing well!! We are all sending you love and light!! The makeup is beautiful as usual! Keep us posted!!

  23. You look so good :) It´s nice to hear from you!

  24. Your make up is beautiful as usual! I hope you feel good!

  25. Welcome back and great to read you again. Both looks are beautiful! You are so pretty <3

  26. I'm glad you are getting there with it all. I wish you the best for the last lot of chemo. You are doing so well xx

  27. Gorgeous as always,glad to have you back(◕‿◕✿)

  28. You look stunning! Good luck with the upcoming treatments! Keep that positive mind set and know that you have the love of support of so many people!

  29. Happy to see you back/good luck with chemo.
    Beautiful makeup looks, you are truly an inspiration :)

  30. I'm so happy to see you're doing well. Hang in there, it's almost over! Love these looks. You can make anything look amazing, especially neutrals.

  31. Both of these looks are beautiful, the neutral looks great on you! Good luck with your chemo! <3

  32. Love both looks. I like the neutral one lots too. I don't think that it's at all boring.

  33. Glad to hear from you. That first look is especially amazing! You're gorgeous, girl!

  34. glad you're almost finished, i'll keep you in my prayers.just wondering, how have you found the chemo to affect your skin, or beauty regimen?

  35. So glad to see another post from you! You look amazing in Poolside! I love both the looks you did! Wishing you health and hapiness!

  36. I'm so happy to see you around again. You look very beautiful in every pic! My best wishes!

  37. You just seem to look pretty awesome juts love your entire make up specially the eyw make up is just amazing...
