Saturday, June 9, 2012

A look (or two) with Makeup Geek greens

Another suggestion I had received was to do a look using greens (or burgundy) from Princessa so I've played with greens a few times.  I really had a hard time getting a decent picture the first time (and it wasn't super well done) but then I tried again and I really really like the way it turned out.  It had this glowy effect and I just thought it was really pretty.  My husband saw it and goes, "So what was this inspired by?" and I said, "green." haha.  So here's the look I came up with!!

My lighting is a little off because I took these pictures earlier in the day than normal

And here's my color placement:

All Makeup Geek Shadows:
(I number them in the order in which I place them on my eye, starting at the lashline)
1- Ocean Breeze
2- Peacock (with just a touch of Corrupt)
3- Shimmermint
4- Pixie Dust
5- Ice Queen

Here's the other look I had attempted but didn't really like or manage to get any good pictures of (apparently with greens, I like the effect of having a lighter color in the center of the lid!)

And my color placement for this one (again, all Makeup Geek colors):

The top one is much much better haha.  I'm kind of embarrassed of this bottom look, it's not my best work.  But I figure I can show you the good and the bad, right?  

I hope you all have an incredible, fun weekend!  I'm going to Virginia Beach next weekend with the fam for one last little vacation before my liver surgery takes me out of commission for a bit.  Has anyone been there and would recommend going/seeing/doing anything special?  Any tattoo parlors there anyone recommends (I REALLY wanted to get a tattoo before my surgery, but I don't want to go just anywhere, I want it to be a great place!)? 

Thank you all so much for following me and supporting me, it means so so much to me!!


  1. Wow these looks almost radioactive! Pixie Dust looks like an incredible colour :D

  2. oh thanks for doing a green look :) I was really surprised when I read my name in the introduction :))

    I really like both looks ! The first ist really nice because its a little bit darker but at the same time totally noticeable as different greentones - sometimes really dark greens can look almost black.

    and the second look is much brighter, but I really like Pixie Dust in it :)

    So - great job as always :) I love the way you do your make up

    hugs and greetings from Germany <3


  3. I LOVE both of these looks! Green looks awesome with your eye color!

  4. Gorgeous looks!!

    Have fun at the beach!

  5. Beautiful looks as always! I love the second one, but I'm like a turkey-- anything bright and/or shiny grabs me like a spell!

    A quick word of advice regarding your impending tattoo (gosh that sounded ominous!): tattoos generally take a week or two to heal, and during that time you will be itchy, peeling like a sunburn, and constantly having to apply lotion/antigerm goop to keep it from getting damaged. If you are about to undergo surgery, I would wait to get the tattoo just to be safe. You never know, you might react to the ink; plus your body will need all its resources to heal from surgery.

    I can't wait to see what you get when you get it done! :)

  6. I really like both these looks!

  7. I love looking at bloggers looks when they've used a ton of colors. It isn't something you notice right off the bat, obviously the look is gorgeous, but then when you see the breakdown of the shadows you're like WOAH.

  8. girrrrl, I would be elated if I could get my makeup to look like that last look! haha. I really love the greens youve chosen- they look fantastic with your eyes! so piercing

  9. Thank you for the breakdown photos of color and placement. That is so helpful.

  10. I wish my "bad" makeup looks were as gorgeous as your second look!! Both of your looks were absolutely beautiful girl!

  11. i have a whole bunch of makeup geek shadows, but i need to get my hands on pixie dust!

  12. Love love LOVE the greens! And me being a green eyed girl will def abuse this look and recreate and AHHHHH I love this so much. It's bold but not like crazy bold!!! <3 <3 <3

  13. Virginia Beach has so much for Kids to do now! There is a playground for them right on the beach that is covered with tents. My babies LOVED it!! Have a wonderful family trip! I actually LOVE the second look better, which you say is your "worst" LOL. Keeping you in my prayers <3

  14. Wow! I don't like green eyeshadows, but your makeup is gorgeous. I'm a big fan of your talent ;)

  15. Love the blog! It's really well written and set out! :)
    I would love love love it if you checked mine out too?
    I'm just starting out and would love to get your opinion on it!
    xox Georgie

  16. Wow this is so pretty!!! Great job!!

  17. I like the second look better!!!
